Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Zap! Zap! Zap!!!

(Remember, I am not a published writer and my opinion amounts to very little to anyone but me. Me and my 8 year old son, who thinks I am cool. And my dog.)

Ok, trying to find time to write is tough. Anyone that writes probably has the same gripe. With work, three kids, a wife etc etc, finding a small chunk of time to write is hard.

But I have been trying lately to sit and write and get a short story out every two weeks. I've written two, and think they are pretty good.

I have been trying to write a short Post Apocalyptic story ever since I decided a couple of months ago to try to push out some stories. I have an idea and have started it but I can't finish it. I was working on it and had a good start and ZAP the first story I finished pretty much wrote itself. So, I wrote 'Here Kitty' in a night. I went back to the Post Apocalyptic story and made some headway and while at work ZAP ZAP!! my second story, 'Patient Zero' wrote itself. I finished it in a weekend and like it a lot.

I went back to the PA story and redid a part of it (I find I edit with a large, heavy and dull axe. Chop. Chop. Chop) and have been slowly working on it. I like it quite a lot and think it will be very good but last night ZAP ZAP ZAP I had a random memory, turned it a little, added a little, exaggerated a little and Voila! there is story number three to write.

I imagine it will be done in a day or two but I think it will be larger then the last story, which was larger than my first story. Maybe by the fifth short, I'll be writing novels :)

Thanks for reading and please feel free to post comments if you wish.

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